Child Safety

When a car accident occurs, there is a risk of getting serious injuries. In order to avoid this we need to use seatbelt or child restraint in a car. Otherwise, we will be facing a fatal end.

Safety Tips for Parents

•• It is forbidden to pus child younger than 12, on a front seat of the car. As when a car accident occurs, child is unprotected.
Often, when the airbag deploys, it becomes a cause of severe injury.
•• Do not use a seat that is six or more years old, as it is already out of date.
•• It is not recommended that you use a second hand seat, as a seat that has been involved in a car crash is not valid.

•• Safety seats for children must comply with the child's weight and age, for this purpose read the instruction carefully.
•• Let your child select a seat to his liking.
•• Do not scare children with terrifying stories; just explain to them, how important and necessary it is to wear a seatbelt.
•• Make a rule of wearing safety belt, to make it a norm for your child too. In such case, he will buckle up on his own initiative.

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